Serving Opportunity Details


Online Alpha

  • Small Group Leader - Lead a small group of up to 10 Alpha participants, online on Zoom. Each session includes icebreaker, video, and discussion.

  • Small Group Helper - Assist the group leader as needed. This could include running icebreaker, contributing during discussion time, responding to comments in the ‘chat’, etc.

  • Prayer Team - Pray for each Alpha session as it’s happening in a separate but concurrent Zoom session for 30-40 minutes. And/or pray separately on your own.

  • Tech Host - Run the technical aspects of each Zoom session – ‘host’ the Zoom session using provided CityLife licence; share video; facilitate breakout rooms, polls, and any other features as needed.

Onsite Alpha

  • Small Group Leader - Lead a small group of up to 10 Alpha participants in discussion following the all-in video talk.

  • Small Group Helper - Assist the small group leader as needed, contributing during discussion time, responding to comments, etc.

  • Course Leader - Coordinate/lead all aspects of an onsite Alpha Course per term – plan ahead, coordinate with teams and team leaders, conduct training as necessary. OR … you’re willing to learn!

  • Session Host - Host one or more of the in-room sessions – welcome, prayer, announcements, icebreaker, etc.

  • Welcome Team - Greet participants/guests as they arrive, make them feel at home, show them around, introduce them to others, help them to connect, answer questions, mark attendance, etc.

  • Setup/Packdown - Help with all aspects of the room where Alpha happens – tables, chairs, décor, etc. – so that it is functional and inviting. Make sure room is clean and tidy at end.

  • Kitchen/Hospitality - Help with all aspects of food/catering – meal plan, meal prep, cook, serve, clean up kitchen and dishes after meal, etc.

  • Prayer Team - Pray for each Alpha session as it’s happening. Pray onsite or join the online prayer team praying on Zoom. Or pray separately on your own.

  • Tech Host - Running the audio and visual aspects of in-room Alpha – setting up mics, screen, AV system, ensuring video can be shown, etc.